
Welcome Racers!

The San Diego 500 is a district and council-level pinewood derby race that competes the fastest racers in the San Diego - Imperial council. These five ounce cars are constructed by Cub Scouts who have won the privilege of representing their Pack at this annual race! Trophies are awarded to the first, second and third place finishers for each District and we finish the day with Trophies for the top three council winners! All racers will receive certificates and participation ribbons commemorating their participation.

The San Diego - Imperial Council includes San Diego and Imperial counties.

Please be sure to review the Rules, Specifications and Notes pages from the links above.


San Diego 500 Postponed

New information coming soon.

Contact with racers is via email.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@sandiego500.org or kimberly@sandiego500.org.


To Be Determined


To Be Determined